Monday, August 2, 2010

My goal is to walk a mile in my shoes

This is the sixth day I have gone to the gym and walked a half mile on the tread mill. I took the weekend off. I hate the tread mill but I want to keep walking and it is becoming more difficult as I age. It hasn't made me any younger but I am moving much better.

Rosa and Jeff came and cleaned all of my ceiling fans and washed all of the ceiling light fixtures. He is so tall he dosen't need a ladder.

The Watson family, mother Michele, Sarah 10 and Charlotte 8, have adopted me and took me to dinner at Home Town Buffet Saturday. This friendship began when I volinteered to teach the girls how to paint an apple. That small act has paid off big for all. They don't have a grandma and my sweet grandchildren are far away.


Crystal said...

Good job on the walk! I'm glad the Watson family appreciates you.

Paige said...
