Monday, September 28, 2015

Use it or lose it, problems with posting

I can't figure out how to post after I've written something. Well possibly I just figure out how to post. I drove over to Laverne and picked up my new glasses. I had my cataract surgery on March 31 and my eyes have not been what I had hoped for. The color is brilliant but the focus is not clear. I guess you can't just trade in the old model and get a new one.

 I'm going to go to the YMCA this afternoon and play water volleyball. It's fun but there's one man that thinks he needs to play everything that comes close to me. I will be more aggressive in the future and I think he will get the idea that he needs to stay out of my way after we collide a few times. The game is fun but hardly resembles volleyball. We play  with a beach ball and the net.

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