Saturday, March 30, 2013

Yesterday Paige game to see me and do her laundry, I love it.  She always asks what I need her to do and there is always something.  Her visit always inspires me to do the dishes and my laundry.  Since she arrives at 11:00 am I have plenty of time to do both. I have a difficult time emptying my Romba sweeper it requires strong thumbs that I no longer have. It is set to sweep at 9:00 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so it always needs to be emptied when she arrives.  Happy B-day my sweet Jordy.  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I refused to go to the ER again. Last time I was there they lost my record, and I sat there for 7 hours. My friend Dee finally complained and the papers were found. I had a co-pay of $50.00.  Because I refused to go back to the ER my doctor put me in the hospital for the transfusion.  I had a private room and they fed me a nice lunch and no co-pay.
This doctor that did the scope top and bottom.  It went well.  Doc wanted to see me in a month that was today.  I was put in the wrong room and sat there for an hour! I was not happy!  He wants to see me in a year…oh yaw.  That will happen only if I’m at deaths door, or at my age I may forget the whole thing.
An office call shouldn't take longer that the operation!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Yesterday was a good day.  I went with my friend Dee to watch Candace play basketball.  Candace, David, Dee and I went to Spunky Steers for a steak lunch.  In the evening Dee and I were invited to play table games with the young women.  We played spoon and had a wonderful time.  Today I think I will rest, unless the phone rings and I get invited to do something.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I gave my car a cheap spray wash job and found the end of the hose was missing.  What to do? Should I call the hose police or accuse the gardener of circumcising it with the lawn mower?  I have had the gardener for 25 years.  He is good, reliable and cheap.  The hose is cheap and easy to replace.  I will say nothing and learn to leave with a short hose.  I’m sure I’m not the first woman to make that sacrifice.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Red Hat LaDieS
It’s my turn to be hostess and choose where we will eat.  I have just finished assembling 12 Easter baskets. I have 11 and ½ chocolate bunnies.  I had 12 but to be safe I ate a bunny butt. I wanted to be sure they were safe for my Red Hat sisters to eat.  If 12 people show up someone will get ½ a bunny but, it will be the top half just because I’m nice.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Found something, but not the cause of blood loss

Well, the last test found gall stones.  I am not bothered with pain from gall stones, but I guess it's good to know, although I can't figure out why.  I did have a pain in my right ribs and Crystal said that is the area of the gall stones.  It wasn't sever and last a short time. I'm not in pain and my tremors are much better and I am grateful. Margot I love all of your blogs.  I can't get too much of my sweet gg children and parents.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Needle in a hay stack

This all started with a pain in the back of my head and later my right shoulder joined in.  While visiting the ER I was diagnosed with neuralgia and given a shot in the head and shoulder.  I continued to HURT and the tests to find the cause was off and running.
In the last year I have had 3 cat scans of my head, 3 lung x-rays, a pulmonary breathing test, sonogram on my left leg, EKG, MRI on my throat, x-ray of my back and hips, Blood transfusion, (I was very anemic) several blood draws (they put it in and draw it out) Colonoscopy, scope down my throat (I've forgotten the term), and yesterday one more cat scan on my larynx, abdomen and pelvis. This CAT scan scares me. I’m afraid I will be charged separately for each one!  They have found very little, just what time does to all of us.  This sounds like I’m dying, but I feel good, like a 70 year old. The only part of me left to check out is my right leg and two arms. I am on a new med that is really helping my tremors.  I can even write. I’m driving and going to my lady friend Candace basketball games. Red Hat’s is Saturday.  We are going to Grinder Haven for pastrami grinders and root beer floats. Life is good. (because Margot doesn't read face book)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I just returned from being an outpatient In Pomona Valley Hospital.  I was there for 3 ½ hours for a Colonoscopy and an Endoscopic. They gave me pictures of my insides top and bottom.  I would include the pictures, but I forgot to smile.  This was one more expensive test that didn't find the answer to the problem.  If this keeps up my wallet will need a transfusion. (also on face book)