Saturday, November 17, 2012

Because Margot doesn't read facebook a dble entry

Last month I met Fred Hollingsworth. at church, and later in the month I was having physical thearpy on my hip and ran into France Ogle at PVH. This month I took Aunt Bettie it the doctor and met Jo Wright and Lloyed ? while setting in the waiting room.
We all graduated from Pomona High School in 1949. As kids you ran into you peers at the movies and now we met in the doctors office.
Fall is here, and I made a pot of potato soup, my cool weather treat.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Email re-runs

The boys (Elders) in the apartment tested the fire alarm again this morning. It went off when they were frying bacon, and I was in the bathroom! This is not the best time to have an emergency. There was no damage to the house. I don't know about the bacon.
I thought being rude to unwanted phone solicitors, during pr- election calls, would end. Not so! Because the bird that delivered me was Pterosaur, and the average age of my peer group is deceased, it is assumed I must be a soft sale for a hearing aid, an electric scooter, a walk-in bath tub, a reverse mortgage, and there is a big need for my opinion on many surveys. Please don’t call me; I’ll call you!! Why is my Facebook still being bombarded with “I won’t vote for Obama “adds? It’s time to quite beating a dead horses!

Margot, I took this from facebook!

The missionaries helped me move the old washer so I could clean under it before the new washer arrives. I vacuumed up a small turtle,the kind you get at fairs. He was dead. The boys had six of them and thought they had given them to a pet store. I expected dust bunnys, but a turtle!!
My old Maytag washer is incontinent, and leaking a stream. I would complain to the manufacturers’, but the things old enough to vote. Since I’m running out of clean underwear I went shopping. I’m 81 years old, so I don’t want to invest in an expensive machine that is going to outlive me. While on my way to Cagles, the place I often buy my appliances, I stopped at a red light and noticed I was next to Home Depot.
I need bug spray so I parked and went in. I walked by the washers and found a Maytag for a very good price. It includes delivery, setting up, and hauling away the old machine. Now if I had a maid to do the laundry life would be beautiful.
The missionaries helped me move the old washer so I could clean under it before the new washer arrives. I vacuumed up a small turtle,the kind you get at fairs. He was dead. The boys had six of them and thought they had given them to a pet store. I expected dust bunnys, but a turtle!!