It was the first play I ever attended that began with an intermission of an hour and forty-five minutes, and that proved to be the best part of the play!
My friend Melissa was the only talented actor in the play and felt she couldn't bow out because of the children in the play. Heidi was the name of the play. It is about a young girl and her grandfather, but the actor playing grandfather was physic and saw a disaster coming. He quit the play a week before opening night. Melissa was asked to fill in and the part would become a grandmother. Four times during the play she was called grandfather.
The parts of Heidi and Goat Peter were played by three different kids. Heidi started out medium size, then got bigger, and then got much smaller.
The kids would forget their lines and Melissa would say, "Did you mean to say...?" At one point in the play, Clara, in a wheel chair, was supposed to be wheeled off stage, but the chair caught on a throw rug and wouldn't move. Melissa told the kid to get up and leave, she then threw her hands into the air and said,"Its a miracle she can walk!" Later in the play Clara was to be wheeled off of the stage, it was two feet off of the floor, there was no ramp to wheel her down so the kid pushing the chair took her to the side of the stage and DUMPED her,out of the chair, back stage! Clara may need that wheel chair for real before this play is over!
Tragedy equals humor and my sides were splinting! Th director scolded Melissa for filling in the dead air with humor and said she was turning a serious play into a comedy!
At the appropriate time for applause most of the loud clapping came from back stage.
Toward the end of play the actors started on scene five before scene four and had to back up and do scene four.
I was setting on the first row. In the scene where Clara tries to walk and fall onto the floor she is out of the spot light. Something was blocking the spot light, upon closer inspection I saw it was my shadow. The spot light was hitting me in the back of the head! I spent the rest of the scene with my head on my knees!
During a ten minute intermission that took twenty-five minutes the part of the audience that wasn't honor bond to stay beat a fast retreat. I stayed, Melissa is my friend.
There were many more mistakes made but thankfully I can't recall them just now.
After the play Melissa received an arm load of flowers. The director didn't! I don't know why, aren't flowers usually sent to a funeral?