I’m just back after a wonderful ten day vacation in Hawaii, and Ms. Kitty’s welcome home celebration is going strong. I have trouble doing anything within her reach. I can’t write without her bumping my hand, and she walks across the keyboard when I use the computer. This is all in an effort to be petted.
Last night, when we went to bed, Ms. Kitty insisted on being loved. After I closed my eyes she butted me between the eyes with her head. This morning she dug at the blanket to locate my hand, and while purring at high volume, she struck her nose deep into my left ear. This had the effect of a sonic boom, and I jerked my head away and said, “No.” Now no to Ms. Kitty means, “Stop only if you want to do so.” She continued to purr (not in my ear), and later groomed my left eyebrow with her tongue. I gave up and got up for the day. This didn’t stop the love fest, but I am now up and awake and better able to defend myself from Ms. Kitty’s unconventional love gestures.
Hawaii was lovely, and visiting with family and holding my two-month-old great-granddaughter Clara was sweet, but there is no place like home, and only one Ms. Kitty!
Sister Paige Larsen—Email Excerpt
15 years ago